Saturday, May 23, 2009


We have news..... our house sold and we are moving at the end of June. Our house was not on the market, but the buyers wanted our particular neighborhood and liked our house. We had plans to move later in the year, but it seems God had something else in mind. So, we are just going with the flow.

Today was our salon/moving sale and it went very well- I'm just glad we don't have them often. Now with that behind us, I'm on to packing the house.

The past few weeks have been a little tough for me as both the boys have had pink eye. Lathan has had it for two weeks with a double ear infection. He then ended up falling and getting an eye injury (same eye as the pink eye) since his equilibrium was not quite right. Even the doctor said "he's had a rough week!" All I could think was, "what about me?" He eye is still not back to normal yet, but we are finally on the mend. But just to keep us on our toes, now Nate also has 2nd degree pink eye. I'm wondering if a nursing degree would have better suited me.

This is random, but here was my favorite conversation from today with Lathan (LJ):
LJ: It stopped raining
ME: Yes it did! Lathan, who made the rain?
LJ: Jesus and the Aggies did!

All I could do was laugh

I'm posting a few random pics from the last few weeks below.

My poor baby!

My mom, Wanda (a friend), and I took Ethan to see Wizard of Oz one evening. He had a blast!